Laughter is the key to longevity.

We Know Which GIF Will Make You Laugh Based On Your Age

  1. You got: Suck it in till she passes…oops

    Suck it in till she passes…oops

  2. You got: Pooping potato

    Pooping potato

  3. You got: Fuck Everything Cat

     Fuck Everything Cat

  4. You got: Rebellious Pug

    Rebellious Pug

  5. You got: Don’t want this damn pillow

    Don’t want this damn pillow

  6. You got: Panda escape

    Panda escape

  7. You got: Office panda-monium

    Office panda-monium

  8. You got: Sloth wisdom

     Sloth wisdom

  9. You got: Corgi chasing leash

    Corgi chasing leash

  10. You got: Vampire Kermit bites Vincent Price

    Vampire Kermit bites Vincent Price

  11. You got: “oops” (fuck you, Mickey)

     “oops” (fuck you, Mickey)

  12. You got: Elephant massage

     Elephant massage

  13. You got: Cat masseuse

    Cat masseuse

  14. You got: Wiener splash

    Wiener splash

  15. You got: omg duckfight

    omg duckfight